tiistai 14. elokuuta 2012

Kännymarkkinat kypsiä

Kännymarkkinat ovat siirtyneet ainakin vähäksi aikaa vaiheeseen, jossa kännyköiden ominaisuudet rupeavat vakiintumaan sekä äly- että peruspuhelimissa.
Hardware makers are likely to take the biggest hit in such a market rejiggering because most of the competition in the industry boils down to two competing operating platforms and application ecosystems: Google's Android and Apple's iOS. Apple's operating system runs on the firm's own devices, while the Android market features cutthroat competition and a range of devices by Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola Mobility (now owned by Google) and Chinese players like ZTE and Huawei.


Ihmiset tuskin jaksavat enää kauaa olla innostuneita uusista kännyistä vaan pikkuhiljaa kuluttajat kyllästyvät. Osa kuluttajista ehkä siirtyy yksinkertaisten peruspuhelimien käyttäjiksi älypuhelimista.

Without software differentiation or cutting-edge hardware designs, device manufacturers must compete on scale and price. That reality is playing out in the Android marketplace. HTC, once a darling of Android device makers, has cut its revenue outlook repeatedly in recent months. "The smartphone market is seeing the normal course of evolution," says Chaudhuri. "In the beginning, there were a lot of different designs and touch-screen innovation. There were huge improvements. Now, improvements are incremental and not so radical that [consumers] need to switch smartphones every six months."

Nokian asema on heikko, koska siltä puuttuu tarvittava skaala kännyvalmistuksessa. Samsungin mahdollisuuksia lisää se, että Samsung tekee komponentteja muille eli sen skaala on valtava.
Apple and Samsung's positions at the top aren't solidified, Chaudhuri states, because the market "hasn't reached a dominant hardware design." Many consumers still want a smartphone with a physical keyboard rather than a touch screen. And the market for smartphones also continues to coalesce with the tablet sector. "The dominant hardware design is not quite settled due to the physical limitations of creating one device that can do everything."

Dominanttia designiä ei ole vielä löydetty eli vielä ehtii muuttaa markkinarakennetta mutta kiirettä pitää.

Nokian tilanne näyttää varsin surkealta, koska oikeastaan Nokialle ei ole mitään tarvetta.

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