keskiviikko 23. toukokuuta 2012

Melissa Bowerman ja Nike

Höperöt sukulaiset ovat menestyneet yrittäjän suurimmat viholliset. Melissa Bowerman on esimerkki sukulaisesta, jollaista ei yrittäjän kannata hankkia.

Melissa Bowerman on Niken perustajan lähisukulainen.
But this involves more than an older woman and a young boy. Jon and Melissa Bowerman are the son and daughter-in-law of Bill Bowerman, a co-founder of Nike and the brains behind some of the company’s early products. Phil Knight was the businessman and marketer, but Nike wouldn’t exist without Bill Bowerman. It was his Nike Cortez that became the company’s first must-have shoe and set the company on its path to industry supremacy.

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